Sunday, August 8, 2010

Week 2

After getting the background information for air dispersion modeling it was time to start modeling for a terrorist attack. We read various articles in professional journals that had used the same air dispersion software we had planned to use. We also read one paper that had a similar objective to ours covering the development of realistic RDD scenarios and their radiological consequence analyses.This was very helpful in getting things going and having something to reference.

We then had a group discussion over what kind of scenario we wanted to model. We looked at numerous locations in the Dallas/Fort Worth area including downtown Dallas, downtown Fort Worth and the Cowboys stadium in Arlington. We also evaluated our options for method of delivery- train, plane, bus, or car. With these to factors in mind we tried to decide on an over all worse case yet realistic.

We choose to model a terrorist attack in downtown Dallas by car. This seemed realistic to use a car and also to choose downtown Dallas because it is densely populated.

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